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Classes, Sessions & Retreats -  Terms & Conditions



All Classes, Sessions and Retreats Offered by Kriya Lightning Foundation Limited

Facilitated by Kriya Lightning Foundation Limited


By registering for or attending any class or session facilitated by Kriya Lightning Foundation Limited (hereafter referred to as "KLF"), you (hereafter referred to as "Registrant") consent to the following terms and conditions:


  1. Understanding the Educational Nature of the Course:
    The Registrant explicitly recognises and concedes that the insights, methodologies, and methods imparted in any class or session by KLF serve merely educational intents. They are not to substitute or replicate professional mental health consultations, treatments, or diagnoses from certified medical practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, or other pertinent healthcare experts.


  2. Personal Accountability & Liability:
    The Registrant assumes complete responsibility for their safety, well-being, and any actions, ensuring comprehension of any potential risks, injuries, or consequences that might transpire before, during, or subsequent to any session.


  3. Limitation of KLF’s Liability:
    The Registrant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless KLF, including its affiliates, directors, representatives, and employees, from any repercussions or consequences arising from the application or interpretation of techniques or teachings imbibed from any class or session.

  4. Miscellaneous:
    a. Governing Law & Jurisdiction: These Terms & Conditions and related disputes will be interpreted as per the laws of the jurisdiction of Hong Kong where KLF operates, disregarding any conflict of law principles.

    b. Entire Agreement: These provisions encapsulate the entire understanding between both parties, superseding any prior agreements or understandings.

    c. Amendments: KLF reserves exclusive rights to modify or revise these Terms & Conditions. Such amendments, if any, will be duly communicated to Registrants.


By advancing with registration or attending any KLF class or session, the Registrant confirms thorough comprehension and acceptance of the stipulated Terms & Conditions.

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